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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Um, I forgot...

I've been so busy with work these past few weeks that I haven't had time to blog.  And then, when I thought I had a moment, I began to gather thoughts.  Of course, this happened in the middle of the night (during a hot flash), and since I didn't act on it right away, it left me, just as suddenly as it had come.

I think it was something about making a connection between Alzheimer's, brain issues, and my hot flashes.  Yeah, I know.  Sounds far out.

Somehow, I've been receiving a lot of invites to participate in "summits" of some kind -- which is really a fancy name for web interviews transmitted at a specific time and for a short period of time.  Then, when the time is up, they will sell you the whole package for a "great" deal.  Well, I bit the first time, but who can afford to keep doing this?  I know, all in the name of good health, but what about my financial health?  

See, I'm already off-track.  One of the summits I recently listened to was all about memory loss.  Which is something I really need to listen to, because I can't remember shit.  I've always been that way, though, so this is nothing new and probably not related to my >50 years.  Anyway, it was fascinating learning about the connection between the brain and the food we eat (or don't eat), sleep, stress, and exercise.  Did you know, exercise is crucial for good memory?  I didn't know this.  Or if I did, I forgot.  (ba dump dump)

My catharsis came during a hot flash in them middle of the night.  I decided to track the hot flashes to see when and how often they occurred.  I discovered that I was having them every two hours -- almost to the minute.  That seemed weird to me, because I had previously felt they were connected to stress.  I still believe that, but primarily during the day.  What was I stressed about while I was sleeping?  

So, I've been checking each night and they are consistently happening every two hours -- the first one starting the moment I lay down and get comfortable.  Go figure.  

Backtracking now ... one day of the summit on memory loss focused nutrition.  Basically, the brain craves sugar.  It loves it -- and fat -- and needs it to function properly.  The trouble is, we eat too much sugar and then the brain shuts down production of a brain chemical known as brain-derived neurotropic factor.  This leads to a decrease in insulin production, and then Type II Diabetes.  So, if all that happens with too much sugar, then perhaps there is a connection between the sugar I eat and the number of hot flashes I am getting?  I don't know, but the fact that they are so timely makes me think there is a strong correlation.

(More about that here!)

But what to do?  Well, I've been trying to eat little, if any sugar.  No carbs, except for fresh fruit.  Okay, and a couple of squares of 86% cacao chocolate -- the good stuff.  Yup.  That's the plan... which worked for a few days, but then I didn't have time to get a proper breakfast and lunch together today, and so I had cheerios for breakfast, and the school cafeteria pasta for lunch.  Yeah, I'm ashamed.  But I did turn down cupcakes and cookies from little birthday celebrants.  That's a win, for sure!  

OKAY - just found this.  Guess I was right!  DOH!  I'm such a Homer!

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