Whether you are a new mom or a more "experienced" mom, or the grandest of moms, today brings sweet memories, melancholy remembrances, and inspiring hopes for the future. Enjoy your day with your loved ones!
I did find a lot of advice on what to do when you're having a hot flash. (But I want them to stop permanently, not just alleviate the problem!) Really - they last somewhere between 30 seconds and 3 minutes, but that's enough to saturate my sheets with sweat. There's no time to react. They come on that fast! (Sorry. I know this is not a topic many would like to hear about. And it's only my second post ... Again, sorry.)
I started taking something called Shatavari powder - an herb made from a type of asparagus. You put it in warm water and drink it up. Not unpleasant, but not a cup of tea. That didn't seem to work.
I love my essential oils, but the cures I found in my reference materials gives suggestions for soothing with peppermint or clary sage. I don't have the clary sage yet, but peppermint is hot and I just got hotter with that. I've taken to keeping a spray bottle of water near my bed and just spritz myself from head to toe when they occur, in attempts to bring my body temperature down quickly. That brings some relief, but then I'm wet and awake. And when I'm awake, my brain decides to get in gear and pulls out any and all concerns I have in my life at the moment -- which, you guessed it, brings on more hot flashes.
So, where does that leave me? Well, I've been thinking about the fact that hot flashes breed and multiply with stress. I've been working overtime on the school play, and every time I think about what's left to do, here comes a hot flash. That got me to thinking that perhaps if I can control the stress, I can experience less instances of flashing ... I seem to have more flashes at work than on the weekend. (Hmm, maybe I should retire?)
I hope you enjoy a beautiful, sunny, spring day! Go hug your mamas or your babies or your loves and just breathe!

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