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Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Catching Up!

So, a lot has happened in the past 5 ½ weeks.  That's how long it's been since my last post.  I finished out the school year, but not before running two three spelling bees, a mock trial, and a "It Takes a Village" presentation.  Oh, and taking pictures of the entire student body and printing them out, sorting, and getting them to teachers before the end of the year.  

And at home?  Well, we bought new living room furniture.  Canceled the order.  Put in another order, and we are set to try to sell the old stuff at a garage sale tomorrow.  The new stuff comes next Wednesday.  Anybody want a red sectional?

And we booked a few vacations ...  Stratford, Ontario (a yearly venture) and Puerto Rico.  Very excited about the latter -- it's  one of the biggest vacations we've ever taken.  Up to this point, we've visited family or gone on a cruise with others doing the planning.  We did this ourselves!  (I feel so grown up!)

So, what's up with food and nutrition?  The word that seems to sum it all up is Ugh.  Just Ugh.  Being busy really cuts into the planning and preparation, and with summer comes the craving for ice cream, barbecue, and just about everything else that sabotages a healthy eating plan.  

On the bright side, I've pretty much stayed the same weight-wise, but hoping to change that (oh, please, just 5 pounds would be nice!) before our Puerto Rico trip.  Hubby and I are both taking capsules to help with weight loss and sugar cravings.  (Essential oil capsules I make myself!)  Not sure we've been on them long enough to see any solid results, but I'll keep trying.

I've taken my bike out three times so far. Well, the first time was just to the bike shop, but I'm trying to go out a few times a week.  Considering doing a week long tour of the Erie Canal next year.  I need to get some stamina!

Great new place to eat in my general area -- Core Life Eatery.  All natural, healthy, yummy!  If you haven't gone, get thee there!  It's in Greece at the old Panera's site.  (There is also one in Webster and another in Syracuse.) They create your meal right in front of you -- lots of greens and grains and vegetables!  (And meat choices, too!)  Ate there with Deb last week and then again on my own yesterday.  Very filling and delicious!

What else?  Oh!  Today I watched another documentary about the hazards of sugar.  I joined and I have access to all of their great films about health, wellness, food, disease, etc.  It was worth the price.  ($10 a month or $99 for a year.)  This particular film was about a woman who was on her third pregnancy and developed gestational diabetes.  She went on a quest to eliminate sugar from her diet and her family's, and then tried to create a movement to help others swear off sugar.  It once again reminded me of how pervasive sugar is, and how much the food industry has so much control over what we eat.  Yes, we make our own choices, but sugar and other refined carbs are everywhere!  

Just check out this graphic I came across -- pictures speak louder than words!  

I'm glad I had a big salad for lunch today!  And if I get hungry, I have the rest of it to eat.  I really do LOVE healthy foods ...  but I have little willpower when it comes to sweets. I'll admit it.  I am a sugar addict and I need help!

Let me know your sugar or food struggles.  It's hard to write a blog and keep up with it when you have no idea if anyone is reading ...  I promise to try to blog more often this summer.  In between all the summer fun and relaxation!  Hope yours is amazing!

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