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Wednesday, October 3, 2018


Would you be able to recognize yourself?  If someone described you -- not a close friend, but a casual observer -- would you recognize the "you" they see?

I consider myself pretty in tune with who I am, but recently, I was startled to hear myself described as "insecure."  I wasn't so much startled about the statement, as it was no revelation to me that I am, indeed, insecure.  But the fact
that someone else saw that in me was scary.  I don't want to be seen as insecure, so the fact that this was a key word in describing me means I have to start sucking it up and putting more confidence into my everyday persona.

But how many of us are truthful in our own self-assessment of who we are and how we come across to others?  One area in particular that I think many have difficulty with is in recognizing their mindset.  We all like to think we are open to anything that comes our way, but are we really?  Do we accept others or judge?  If we're honest, I bet we all judge just a little bit before we catch ourselves.  We like to compare ourselves to others, hoping we measure
up in a more favorable light than those around us.  "I'm smarter ... prettier... thinner ... kinder... than so-and-so."  It boosts our egos.  But if we're assessing fairly, we aren't as good as we think we are when we're judgmental, right?

I guess the prompt for this post today is the fact that so many people judge and dismiss something, thinking they know the facts, and yet, they really don't know anything at all.  No, I'm not talking about our current political situation.  
Hey, I'm insecure, remember?  I'd never step out of my
comfort zone to actually post anything political!  Too many people to piss off, and hey, I may not agree with you, but I think we both have the right to our own opinions.  You're still a good person and so am I.  No, I'm talking about people who decide that essential oils are a waste of time and don't really do anything for the body -- but they've never tried them.  They've never given them a chance, because if they did, they wouldn't be walking away.  Now, I haven't talked directly about essential oils for a while, so bear with me!

Some people make decisions based on what they think are the facts, but they are really just the perceived impression.  Often that perception is prompted by other things going on in our lives.  I don't have the money for essential oils, so therefore, they don't work.  Done.  Now I don't have to feel guilty for not giving them a try.  I get it.  We've probably all done that, but when we do, we're not being honest with ourselves.  Let's try to base our decisions on real facts, and not just those that are convenient for us.

Going back to the "expensive" argument, (and I would argue that they aren't expensive, considering all things), even if they were, what price is too much for something that will change your life and keep your body healthy?  If you had a vitamin or a medication that could enhance your wellness and keep you healthy into old age, what price would you pay?  Heck, what price wouldn't you pay?   If someone you
loved had a serious disease and you had a remedy that would help, wouldn't you do anything you could to save that person?  So, it's not a point of cost in reality.  It's a point of belief, and that goes back to mindset. Essential oils are preventative medicine, at a cost that doesn't come close to what you'll pay if you truly get sick.

I believe a healthy attitude of acceptance is crucial in this world.  With so many people having vastly different cultures, lifestyles, and opinions, we can only survive if we grow and change with the times.  We need to accept differences and not dwell on them with negativity.  Who's to say that our way is the right way?  Is there a right way?  Probably not.  And yet, probably so.  The right way is the that works for you.  But live and let live, right?  

So, if you've judged essential oils (or me) unfairly, I ask that you give them a second try.  There is so much to learn and so many different oils to try.  Not one person in this world could not benefit from using these natural wonders.  And just think of all the money you'll be saving when you don't  need to call the doctor.  

1 comment:

  1. Word of wisdom Linda - no one should judge without trying!!


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