I believe that people can change - if they want to change. It's never too late, and those who profess they are too old are just offering an excuse because they aren't ready to tackle the work needed to make change happen. Changing a habit takes a lot of work and it takes time. It can be extremely frustrating, too, filled with what seems like minor successes, shadowed by multiple failures. Still, if we persist, we succeed.
That's another lesson I try to instill in my students. Being smart is an advantage, sure, but the truly successful people are those that have a passion for whatever they do, work hard, and persist. "Assiduous" is the word we learn to encompass this idea. If you're not willing to work hard, just being smart or gifted is not going to get you there.
I can be assiduous in so many ways, but I fail miserably when it comes to food ... and exercise. Oh, I've done better this summer with my "occasional" walks, but it hasn't been enough to warrant any real change. Somewhere deep inside, I need to find my motivation. That's hard, of course, because changing habits and deciding to alter your behaviors, your lifestyle, or anything at all in your life takes time. I, for one, am an "instant gratification" type of girl. If I can't see results quickly, I give up or lose interest. (Might explain the 3-4 crocheting projects piled up around the house and the quilt I never finished ...)

Well, I'm not such a disaster as I may seem. I can tell you one thing I changed - and it has been positive every step of the way. When I first discovered essential oils and a way to break free from all of the toxins around me, I embraced it like the world would end if I didn't. I believed in the power of these oils and I am so glad that I wasn't lazy about changing my lifestyle. Sure, it would have been so much easier to ignore what I learned about toxins and other harmful chemicals, but that would be living a lie.
I think many of us do that ... if it's not convenient to our lifestyle and not motivating enough, we ignore the warnings or diminish their importance. Or, we pay attention, but put it on the back burner, feeling guilty that we aren't making progress towards change. But the changes that I made for essential oils were not hard at all. I just had to believe that getting the toxins out of my house and my body (and my family's bodies) was going to be so much more beneficial and worth the little bit of extra effort. And I have seen big changes in how I feel, how I look, and how I move. Change pays off!
So, do you feel stuck? Are you living less than your best life? You want to change something in your life, but you don't know how? Well, you will remain stuck until YOU do something about it. And you can. Yes, you can. It's time to get creative. Whatever it is that you don't like about your current life, brainstorm what it would look like if things were different.
I know, this post is long, but bear with me. Here is an activity that a wise friend shared with me. Take a piece of blank paper and fold it down the middle. On one side, take three minutes to draw your life as it is now. Your "current state." No, you don't have to be an artist, just draw stick figures if you want. And draw fast! Set a timer and limit yourself to three minutes. Then set another three minutes and draw on the second side of the paper - this time, what you envision for your desired reality. In other words, your dream life! When you're done, take some time to evaluate both drawings. It becomes crystal clear what needs to change. Finally, draw three big 2-dimensional arrows crossing from side A to side B. In each arrow, write one action that will help you to get from side A to side B. When you're done, you've got the tools for change. You've got your current reality. You've got your dream life. You've got your action steps. Now go get 'em!
PS - After I wrote this, I was sent this link from the Mayo Clinic. Fits right in!
How to Make Healthy Habits Stick
How to Make Healthy Habits Stick
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Thanks for adding your voice!