So, how is it that we can make meaningful changes to our lives? I really do want to walk those miles and start getting my body in better shape. How is it I get so distracted? My mind is full of a million things that I need to do, and before I can get out the door, I find myself doing them. Okay, so like today ... I get out of bed, check my phone, get dressed in my "walking" attire (which means old shorts and a ratty t-shirt, and my very valuable Vionic walking shoes!), and then come downstairs. Before I can leave the house, I have to feed the cat. Done. I carried down the towels from the upstairs bathroom, so I start a load of laundry. Done. Then, I check something on the computer, which reminds me that I didn't write my Thursday post yet (ugh) and sit down to write. So, here I am, ready to go for a walk, but instead, typing my blog. (Yes, I will get up and walk in a moment ...)
I envy those people who can make a decision to change and then just do it. (Hey, Nike!) Even with the best intentions, I sabotage myself. I think changes that deal with the physiology of brain and body are the hardest. To me, that means food and exercise. Why is that? Well, if you're anything like me, it's easier to stay in bed and think about the list of things you want to accomplish than it is to actually get out of bed and do them. The physical activity - well, let's face it - I don't REALLY want to get out of bed and walk. I just know that I'd be a better person for it, and that's what we all strive for, right? To be just a little bit better version of the person we were yesterday. We should continue learning, continue growing ... but it's hard damn work!
And food - fahgeddabowdit! I can have the healthiest food in the house - loads of fruits and veggies, whole grain this, organic that ... and I eat it. Yup! Love my healthy diet! BUT, show me a donut ... or chocolate ... or any number of amazing foodie pictures that I scroll by on Facebook (and yes, I save those cheesy, gooey, calorie-laden recipes!) and my brain goes haywire. But I am trying. I have to learn to ignore the temptation, or at least focus on the goal - to be a lean, mean, strong and able-bodied senior citizen.
That sounds a little disconcerting. Not the lean, mean part. The senior citizen part. How did I get to be in my fifties when I still feel like a 30-something? I still have goals and dreams and big plans for the future ... Oh. Yeah. THAT'S why I'm on this campaign to get in shape -- I need my body to match my mind and not prohibit me from doing what I want to do. I saw my grandmother's body shrink every day from Lou Gehrig's disease, but her mind was sharp as ever. How frustrating that must have been. To still have the dream, the desire for living life, but unable to make any part of it real. When she lost the ability to speak, her sad eyes said it all ...

Okay. Maybe that's the picture I need to keep in mind. My motivation is not what I could become, but what I want to avoid becoming. I never want to be a burden to my kids or anyone else. I want to be that 90 year old grandma still touring the world and visiting exotic places. (And yes, on my recent trip, there was a 92 year old woman who was keeping up with the rest of us just fine!)
Thanks for the pep talk. Yes, you. I'm ready to grab my earbuds, set the music to "jam," and grab onto the health I have today and make it better. I already have so much in place - the vitamins, the essential oils, the toxin-free home, and the healthy food choices. I can do this. Ready, set, LIVE!
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