So, going through menopause has its ups and downs. Hot flashes continue to plague me, and I can't seem to lose weight, no matter what I try. While I was scanning FB for new posts, one popped up from Kris Carr, who was interviewing Dr. Sara Gottfried about hormonal imbalances.
She has written a book about it and has developed a program to help women regain balance, but I'm not jumping in just yet. (I do a lot of jumping in and not a lot of follow through, so I think I'll just investigate first.)
Check out the video interview here:
Then let me know what you think!
Here's the book:
I took her free quiz and is looks as though I have high cortisol and low thyroid. I've suspected the low thyroid for a while, and I'm working on that through essential oils, blends, and supplements. Of course, the quiz doesn't ask some important questions, (like age), so I'm not sure how accurate it can be. Still, worth investigating. The book is not too expensive, so I might check it out.
Her newest book is a "hormone reset diet," but from what she said in that interview, I believe it probably just has a lot of common sense advice -- eat fruits and veggies, limit carbs and processed foods and meats. I'm already on that path (or trying), so I'll save myself the money.
One more thing I'm anxious to try is my Progessence Plus (arriving on Tuesday, I hope!) which is a blend of essential oils and natural progesterone (from wild yam extract) that reviews say works in amazing ways!
You know I'll keep you updated as we go. That's what I do. And I hope this helps you a bit, too. (Well, if you're female!)
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